“We know it very well, music has always been used as medicine and as a remedy.” Riverside Sound System told us. “This time, unfortunately, music cannot heal, but it can help some children to spend some quality time fully immersed in nature.”.
Riverside Sound System present the reggae compilation, Reggae Against Cancer to help raise funds for GreenHope Foundation, which allows children with cancer to spend time with their families in nature, having good, healthy quality time.
Riverside Sound System wrote to us with an open letter explaining more about the project.
“There is no doubt about the fact that is impossible to forget that they have cancer, it's impossible, but the GreenHope foundation tries to offer them some opportunities out of the hospital rooms.
It's very important for a child to grow up making as many experiences as possible because this is how children discover the world and find what they love; for most of those children, this kind of approach to life is impossible due to their health.
As we firmly believe in children, Riverside Sound System decided to create a musical compilation in favour of this foundation, because they are our future, and we want to wish them the brightest future ever.
This pandemic situation has heavily affected those children because their already compromised immune system doesn't let them go out from their safe environment - a hospital room or their house.
We all know that Reggae music is based on support, unity, togetherness and love, so we asked some very talented artist to help us on this project: once again, reggae and sound system culture opened their arms to us, giving their infinite support and giving life to this project.
Our idea is also to take care of the artists who lives and performs in our region, so we decided to incorporate some tunes made by the artists from our region. As said, the support arrived from the entire reggae and sound system community: from Italy to Jamaica, passing through England to France, going from Japan to Germany, Brazil, Bulgaria and many more countries.
This compilation contains some exclusive tunes and some already released tunes.
The compilation will be a digital release available for 6 months, but also a very limited run of records will be made. The digital release has 39 tunes, which go from the bubbling roots reggae to a more digi-style keyboard to a more heavy and rough dub, and steppa tunes with nice kicks and vibrant sub-bass.
Concerning the record release, not all the tunes have been cut: in fact, we decided to put at least one tune from each artist and making a big hand cut release: the vinyl release will be 7 x 10" and only 20 exemplars of each record exist. The records will be sold in two ways: 10 customised box sets or individually.
At the end of the 6 months, the total amount of money will be sent to the GreenHope Foundation, until the last little coin (and even more).
Together we are stronger, so let's join those little warriors and fight together for a brighter future!
Riverside Sound System”

Available for pre-order on 2nd April 2021, at riversidesoundsystem.bandcamp.com/